Each year, during the Holiday Season, a group of us gather to honor our unique gifts and as well as the gifts in ourselves. We associate each Apostle with a power based on the Biblical and historical character of the Apostles, such as Andrew's strength of character when facing execution, or Judas's desire to improve others' lot in life through charity. For each power, we light a candle. During our ceremony, we choose one or more power that we would like to more strongly invoke in our lives during the coming year. From that flame we then light our own candle. As "new age" as this all sounds, it is actually based on sound principles - especially the principle of Intention.
During 2007, I would like to track the effect of this ceremony on people lives. Each month I will post an essay on one of the powers, starting with Faith in January. Readers can comment on the power that they are invoking in their lives, how that process is going and what it is like. For instance, experienced candle-lighters say that by lighting the Love candle, you will bring love into your life, but it might be in unexpected ways.
Feel free to post your comments anonymously if you wish, or feel free to just read.
May peace be with you,
Joe Cooke

The powers and associated Apostles are: Faith (Simon Peter), Strength (Andrew), Love (John), Power (Philip), Imagination (Nathanael Bartholomew), Understanding (Thomas Didymus), Judgment (James, son of Zebedee), Will (Matthew), Order (James, son of Alphaeus), Zeal (Simon the Canaanite), Renunciation (Judas Thaddeaus) and Life (Judas Iscariot)
Faith: Ability to say "Yes" to any good thing and have it happen; draws my good from the invisible to the visible
Strength: Ability to be still and hold my center when I am in chaos; allows me to stick with Divine Ideas
Love: Ability to see and know all as one; ability to desire that only good come to all
Power: Ability to change and build consciousness; to choose my thoughts and feelings
Imagination: Ability to give shape and form to unformed mental energy; vision beyond appearances
Understanding: Ability to know that God stands under all things; knowing how to accomplish; knowing in my own heart
Judgment: Ability to discern, evaluate, and make decisions; allowing Divine Wisdom to flow through me
Will: Ability to be willing to say "Yes" to God; always seeking the good for all
Order: Ability to develop consciousness in proper sequence: mind, body and affairs
Zeal: Ability to move forward through spiritual motivation; results in enthusiasm and joy
Renunciation: Ability to give a "No" response in or to the untrue and undesirable; helps me eliminate errors
Life: Ability to mend, restore, and draw upon the living Christ within us for all functions
Labels: spirit, spiritual, spirituality, twelve powers, unity